Maple Tree Synergy

Reiki Energy Work

with Yavor Kresic

Welcome to Maple Tree Synergy

Surrounded by the countryside near Almonte, Ont., you are welcomed into the friendly and relaxing environment of Maple Tree Synergy to experience the therapeutic effects of Reiki or other Frequency Healing modalities. Each session is uniquely catered to your individual needs. You can also experience the healing benefits of Reiki and/or Mag Healy/Healy Quantam Frequency device from the comfort of your own home through a distance session.

Take a Look Around

I invite you to take your time visiting this website and then reach out to book your session, or let me know if I can answer any questions for you. The Get to Know Me section will give you an idea of my background and how I came to practice Reiki. The What is Reiki section will explain how Reiki works and how it can help you. You can book your session there as well, or get in touch with me over on the Contact page.

I look forward to meeting you for an in-person or distance session!


As a child, I always was in awe of something that was greater then myself. I didn’t know how to articulate it, but I somehow knew intuitively that it was there. In my late 20’s I took up meditation and that is when things starting to click from a spiritual perspective even though I didn’t know it was spiritual at the time. It was suggested to me to work with a Reiki teacher and that is when I was first introduced to Reiki.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a hands on gentle relaxation practice used to help balance and calm your body, mind and spirit. The Reiki participant will lay fully clothed on their back and/or stomach on a massage table. Distance Reiki sessions are also available and are just as effective as the in person sessions. There is a pre session telephone chat [if desired] as well as a follow up via email.

Let's Connect

Get in touch with me to book your session: